  • Allen County Community
  • Allen County Community
    is located at 201 West Superior Street Fort Wayne, IN. 46802 and can be contacted by calling 260-449-7252. Allen County Community offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Alcoholism and Illicit Drug Addiction

    Treatment Services Offered: Alcohol Addiction Treatment, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Court Appointed Client Services
    Payment Options: Self Pay, Payment Help

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  • Binge drinking rates peaked in 1979 and were lowest in 1992.
  • According to a national survey, 70% of alcohol binge drinking episodes involve adults age 26 years and older.
  • Being a parent is related to lower alcohol use for both men and women, possibly in large part to having gotten married.
  • Alcohol intoxication can be harmful for a variety of reasons, including: Impaired brain function resulting in poor judgment, reduced reaction time, loss of balance and motor skills, or slurred speech Dilation of blood vessels causing a feeling of warmth but resulting in rapid loss of body heat Increased risk of certain cancers, stroke, and liver diseases (e.g., cirrhosis), particularly when excessive amounts of alcohol are consumed over extended periods of time Damage to a developing fetus if consumed by pregnant women Increased risk of motor-vehicle traffic crashes, violence, and other injuries Coma and death can occur if alcohol is consumed rapidly and in large amounts

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