  • St. Joseph Hospital
  • St. Joseph Hospital
    is located at 700 Broadway Fort Wayne, IN. 46802 and can be contacted by calling 260-425-3000. St. Joseph Hospital offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse

    Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment, Inpatient Hospital Treatment, Dual Diagnosis, Over 50
    Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Medicare Assistance, Insurance - Private Pay, Insurance - Military, Self Pay

  • Contact Us
  • In high doses, much medical research has indicated that heavy use of alcohol can break down heart muscle, which is a condition that is referred to as cardiomyopathy; this information can be extremely useful to individuals who are heavy drinkers and have a family history of heart disease.
  • Individuals who are not alcohol dependent but who have experienced alcohol-related problems may be able to limit the amount they drink; if they have a problem staying within those limits, they may need to stop drinking altogether.
  • In 2008, thirteen State Attorneys General and the San Francisco, CA, City Attorney initiated an investigation of CINs (Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages), which resulted in negotiated settlements with two CIN producers, who agreed to remove all stimulants from their products.
  • Research was conducted in 1998 to determine the total cost attributable to the consequences of underage drinking. The cost was more than $58 billion per year.

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